Bat 4 Change

One of the pillars of the ND Cricket Foundation is Women in Cricket.

The quality of the cricket gear our professional women’s team use is in contrast to our male players. While many of our men’s players can look in their kit bags and choose from a plethora of bats to suit any occasion, courtesy of their suppliers, our female players are far less likely to have a sponsor. Many of our women’s team are using second hand or store-grade bats which aren’t fit for purpose.

Our goal is to raise $60,000.00 to provide an option for each of our contracted female players to get two bespoke bats, a pair of pads, gloves and a kit bag for the next three seasons.

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The Foundation has committed to the project, and year one is underway with many of our players stepping out with bespoke international-grade Kookaburra bats for the first time this season. Thanks must go to Kookaburra for their ongoing support as a Northern Districts’ Partner, supplying this gear at a significantly discounted rate to help the Foundation further development of the women’s game. The Foundation is asking for donations though the Bat 4 Change campaign to help us provide players with the right kit for their craft.